The 13 ghost points in acupuncture
Yes, you read that right - ghost points! These acupuncture points are specifically indicated in cases of deep emotional upset, mental health related conditions, addiction, substance abuse, or trauma. Each point is associated with specific scenarios, circumstances and traumatic emotional experiences. Oftentimes, these points are used with many other points as the treatment protocol for the individual. But by understanding these, you can better understand just how acupuncture specifically helps with mental health, transitions, addiction and trauma.
Acupuncture & mental health
Acupuncture has a history of helping people with mental health issues. Whether it is depression, anxiety, addiction, bipolar disorder, sexual abuse trauma, etc., acupuncture has provided natural relief for decades. These points were originally discussed by Sun Si Miao, one of the earliest acupuncturists and herbalists in the Tang dynasty (learn more about the history here). He found these points to be helpful when people began to ‘not act like themselves’ almost as if possessed by a ghost. This view of mental health is what gave these points the name of ‘ghost points’.
In TCM, health is treated holistically, merging the physical, mental and spiritual to bring the entire self back into harmony. Acupuncturists look at the links between when a disease presented itself, how it progressed, when it got worse, etc., and certain events or traumas that may be connected to its emergence and progression. Fortunately, there is almost always a connection between the timing of a disease and a traumatic life event. This is why acupuncture can be so effective.
What are ghost points?
Ghost points are specific acupoints that have proven to help with specific traumas and the releasing of these deeply felt and held experiences so we can heal. These acupuncture points are not only used in the scenarios mentioned, but are also used for other conditions and in conjunction with other points to bring about different results not related to trauma.
These are called ‘ghost points’ because in TCM, ghosts represent another spiritual energy present within us, which is how mentl health issues were viewed in medicine early on. Because these points relate to traumas and deep emotional experiences, they believe that when a person experiences those things in life, it is as if a ghost has now attached itself and taken over. It now changes how you feel, think, act, etc. So the only way out is through, and releasing these feelings and traumas are essential in order to fully heal. They are essential in my in person sessions as well as my remote acutherapy sessions.
The 13 ghost points and their meaning
The following points, as seen as ghost points, are ideal to treat specific experiences that need to be released.
Lung 11 (Ghost Faith): Excellent for any partnership break up leaving you angry or that ended ugly. Could be personal, love, business, family, etc.
Large Intestine 11 (Ghost Leg): Indicated for someone with rage, feeling out of control, or high anger.
Stomach 6 (Ghost Bed): Helps Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Spleen 1 (Ghost Fortress): Emotional eating, dream disturbed sleeping, and/or poor body image.
Bladder 62 (Ghost Path): Childhood trauma from sexual abuse that results in anxiety/depression as adult or feeling overwhelmed ('carrying the world on your shoulders').
Pericardium 7 (Ghost Heart): Broken heart of any kind - i.e. loss of someone or something leading to grief.
Pericardium 8 (Ghost Cave): Paranoia, schizophrenia, fears.
Ren 1 (Ghost Store): (not used clinically because of location): Sexual anxiety or pressure surrounding sex.
Ren 24 (Ghost Market): Dark thoughts, never smiling, dark spirit, feeling defeated, or severe depression.
Du 16 (Ghost Pillow): Resisting change, feeling ‘stuck’, or not taking action.
Du 23 (Ghost Hall): Dementia
Du 26 (Ghost Palace): Intergenerational trauma
Extra point ‘Gui feng’ (Ghost Seal): Brings inner wisdom and connection to self. Not often used.
As you can see, many key emotional events and diseases we encounter in our life are directly related to these acupoints. Aside from getting these points needled by an acupuncturist, you can do some acupressure on them from home. For specific locations of these points, click here.
There is also a deeper understanding of these points in relation to the progression of mental health and addiction related conditions. There are 4 trinities and specific points associated with each trinity that mark the progression of the ‘ghost’ in the individual. The ghost points are then grouped together based on the trinity they are a part of and used to release the ‘ghost’ at the specific stage the individual presents to be in. To learn more about this, click here.
Ghost points are not the only points and systems we utilize to assist with mental health and addiction. Extraordinary vessels are an excellent tool and system to use for these conditions as well. But for today, I will leave you with these. Try some acupressure on one that speaks to you and let me know what you think!