acupuncture for acute & chronic pain and trauma
Including chronic pain, post surgery recovery, fibromyalgia, TMJ, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, bursitis, tendonitis
Acupuncture is most known for its positive effects on pain relief. Acupuncture relaxes the nervous system, reduces inflammation, and improves blood circulation to promote natural healing over time. Other modalities may be incorporated to provide best results quickly. Western medicine typically provides corticosteroids, pain relievers, or recommends surgery. If you are looking for another option, acupuncture is for you. Relief and progress are typically experienced within 1-2 months, sometimes within the first session!
Emotional trauma can often coincide with traumatic injuries or chronic physical pain. Acupuncture helps with this as well by relaxing your nervous system to promote balance between your body, mind and spirit.
Common conditions treated:
TMJ / jaw tension
Neck pain
Upper back and shoulder pain
Back pain
Knee pain
Shoulder pain
Joint pain
RA / arthritis
“Highly effective results for a long term battle with tendonitis in my elbow from bowling. Acupuncture sessions with Sasha provided immediate pain relief. After a few sessions, the tendonitis was completely gone.”