• How does acupuncture work?

    Acupuncture uses Traditional Chinese Medicine to holistically treat conditions by rebalancing disharmonies that cause illness and disease. The use of needles, cupping, gua sha, and moxibustion may be used to treat these imbalances. This promotes natural healing in the pathways and networks of your body to bring it back to its proper functioning.

  • Does acupuncture hurt?

    Most points will not create any type of pain, but it depends on your own sensitivity, the area of the body, and needling technique. The goal is for you to feel relaxed, so anything painful should be altered. It may feel sharp, like pressure, like water moving, tingling, or movement to another area - but what is key is that anything you feel should go away in 2-3 deep breaths.

  • Are there any side effects?

    Typically just relaxation and healing. You may also begin to feel more aware of your health and more connected to your body. Some may experience fatigue, soreness, or a headache 1-3 days after treatment. This is because the body is detoxing rapidly and can sometimes lead to a ‘healing crisis’ where you feel worse before you feel better. Always increase water intake 48 hours post treatment. Epsom salt baths and magnesium supplements are also recommended the day of.

  • What kinds of conditions can be treated?

    Traditional Chinese Medicine sees health as a spectrum and treats all conditions holistically. Because of this, most conditions are viewed as imbalances in our body, mind and spirit. Relief occurs as acupuncture treatments over time rebalance the disharmony causing the condition. For more specific information on what acupuncture treats, please ask during your visit.

  • What should I expect for my first appointment?

    Your first appointment includes the initial intake and treatment. An acupuncture treatment protocol is selected and may include other modalities if applicable for your case. Once the needles are in, you will have a call button and remain there for 25-30 minutes while the Qi fully cycles through your body. Once the needles are removed, we discuss your treatment protocol.

  • How should I prepare for my first treatment?

    It is best to wear loose fitting clothing to your appointments, have a light snack or meal at least a half hour before treatment, and preferably no caffeine right before the treatment. Make sure you don’t have too much physical or mental stress the day of your appointment as well.

  • How will I feel during and after?

    During the treatment you may feel relaxed, heavy, at ease, and drift in and out of sleep. After the treatment, you will feel what is described as ‘floating’, an ‘inner calm’, relaxed, ‘in the clouds’, and at peace. This may last only that day, but typically lasts 2-3 days. Soreness and fatigue may also occur after treatment.

  • How long does it take to see improvements?

    The length of time it takes to see improvements in your condition all depends on your own health prior to the visit, your lifestyle, the treatment frequency, and correct TCM diagnosis. Length of time designated for your condition(s) is discussed during your first visit.

  • Can pregnant women receive acupuncture?

    Yes! There are many acupuncture points that can help make your pregnancy easier on you and baby. Nausea, low back pain, fatigue, and other common pregnancy issues often find relief with consistent acupuncture. Gestational diabetes and hypertension can also be mitigated if treatments occur early on in pregnancy.

  • Will my insurance cover acupuncture?

    Insurance for acupuncture services varies per insurance company and your specific plan. At this time, we are in the process of becoming in network with most insurance providers. Please send the following to info@nuwaveacupuncture.com: a photo of the front and back of your insurance card and your DOB - we will check for you and let you know!

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