acupuncture for fertility & pregnancy

Including IVF, FET, IUI, natural fertility, anovulation, regulation of cycles, and pregnancy support

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine provide holistic, personalized care to promote deep relaxation, relieve stress, bring harmony to the body, mind and spirit, improve circulation, regulate cycles, improve egg quality, and promote optimal conditions for conception and implantation. The fertility journey is a highly emotional experience and is completely unique to each couple. Most couples experience high amounts of stress, frustration, grief, and depression. Consistent acupuncture treatments help you process these emotions and prevent them from being stored in the body and preventing pregnancy further.

At Nu Wave, we focus on restoring hope in your fertility journey based on the successful pregnancies acupuncture and Chinese Medicine has helped with. Treatments promote the regulation of hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, and luteinizing hormone, while improving egg quality and conception so that you not only become pregnant, but have a healthy pregnancy and birthing experience.

At Nu Wave, we aim to provide the most custom, individualized treatment protocol for your fertility journey. Results are typically witnessed anywhere between 3 and 8 months, depending on your specific fertility journey and consistency of acupuncture treatments and herbal protocols. Different modalities, such as moxibustion therapy, electroacupuncture, dietary recommendations, and Chinese herbal formulas, are typically combined to provide the most effective results. We assess your case during the first appointment and address any underlying imbalances that are then treated during your acupuncture sessions. Any relevant test results, ovulation tracking, BBT tracking, sperm analysis results, HSG results, etc. are helpful.

Common diagnoses treated may include:

  • Primary and secondary infertility

  • Amenorrhea

  • Lack of ovulation

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

  • Recurrent miscarriage

  • Low ovarian reserve

  • Poor sperm morphology and/or low sperm count

  • Low quantity or poor quality of eggs in egg retrievals

  • Frozen embryo transfers

acupuncture for pregnancy support

During pregnancy, acupuncture helps to alleviate common discomforts, such as nausea, back pain, fatigue, and insomnia. It is also helpful in the third trimester in preventing or treating gestational diabetes, hypertension, labor induction, and for turning a breech baby presentation.

The postpartum period is especially crucial as this is when the mother needs the most care in order to return to harmony. Mental health post birth is the number one reason the rate of depression and maternal mortality rate is one of the highest among pregnant/birthing mothers in the United States. Acupuncture significantly reduces postpartum depression, anxiety, disconnection, lactation issues, etc. naturally.